Conferences, Congresess, Lectures (in english)

  1. Qualitative Understanding of Information in Aesthetics, Summer School Imatra/Toronto, organized by The International Semiotics Institute, 10-13.06.1995, Imatra, Finland.
  2. “The 14th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland,” organized by the Semiotic Society of Finland, 16-18.06.1995, participation in a roundtable panel discussion.
  3. An Introduction, XVII International Aesthetics Congress Aesthetics Bridging Cultures, organized under the patronage of International Association for Aesthetics, 9-13.07.2007, w Ankarze.
  4. From the Image of a Person to Its Electronic Incarnation, The 14th International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA 2008, 25.07-3.08.2008, in Singapore.
  5. From the picture of Nenuphars to immersion of a hand in the electronic pond, XVIII International Aesthetics Congress Diversity of Aesthetics, organized under the patronage of International Association for Aesthetics, 9-13.08.2010, in Beijing.
  6. …When the Net Became Our Reality, plenary lecture on IV Central European Communication Forum 2011 Media in Future – Future in Media, organized by The Polish Communication Association and John Paul II Univeristy in Krakow, 5.05.2011. The speech was combined with a presentation at Academia Electronica in Second Life.
  7. We are the Performers Artists – what the performance is?, organized by the Faculty of Intermedia, The Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts of Krakow and The Gallery “Oda”, 5.05 – 7.05.2013, Piotrków Trybunalski. The speech was combined with a presentation at Academia Electronica in Second Life.
  8. Cyberaesthetics the phenomena of an electronic art, 19 International Aesthetics Congress „Aesthetics in Action”, organized by Department of Aesthetics of Institute of Philosophy of Jagiellonian University, under the patronage of International Association for Aesthetics, 21-27.07.2013, w Krakowie.  The speech was combined with a presentation at Academia Electronica in Second Life.
  9. The Future Existence of a Human in Multitude Technological Worlds, plenary lecture on International conference 10th Cracov Cognitive Science Conference – Technology, organized by Jagiellonian University, 12-13.05.2018, Kraków. The speech was combined with a presentation at Academia Electronica in Second Life.
  10. Creative Robots, 21st ICA World Congress on Aesthetics 2019, Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics: Aesthetics Between History, Geography and Media, organized by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade, the Serbian Association of Architecture and Visual Arts and the International Aesthetic Association (IAA), July 21-26, 2019, Belgrade. The talk was combined with a presentation at Academia Electronica in Second Life.
  11. We are together, there between the Words, a presentation within the framework of the European Project “Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment”, HORIZON-MSCA- 2021-SE-01 (CAPHE), implemented at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2023. The lecture took place in Studio BlackRhino VR, which resulted from technical infirmities. It was simultanously combined with a presentation in AltspaceVR and in Second Life, using Oculus, 7.02.2023.
  12. Welcome Avatars, two workshops aimed at presenting the virtual world of Second Life and introducing interested people to it, participating in the European Project “Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment”, within the framework of the European Project HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 (CAPHE), implemented at the University of Kenya, Nairobi, 2023. The workshop also aimed to familiarize participants with the technical possibilities of Second Life, as well as to present Academia Electronica as a research and teaching facility that can be used by interested individuals in their own academic work. The workshop was attended by representatives from OperaNetwork of Florence, Conservatio Puccini of La Spezia and The Polish University Abroad in London (PUNO). The workshop was held at the Kenya University Conference Center in Nairobi (KUCC), 11-12.02.2023.
  13. VR ART as a new kind of art in the Metaverse, the lecture (keenote speaker) concluding the seminar “New Coordinates for Creative Hybrid Space-Experiences” (16-17.02. 2023), and has been held at the International Language and Cultural Centre of the University of Nairobi, as part of the European Project “Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment”, HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 (CAPHE), implemented at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2023. The presentation took place simultaneously in Academia Electronica in Second Life and in AltspaceVR, as well as a brief presentation of Academia being developed in a new virtual world, Spatial. The presentation took place using Oculus on 17.02.2023.
  14. Singularity: the last thing man will invent, presentation at the international conference “Artificial Intelligence in Sciences and Arts. Chances and Dangers”, organized by the Polish University on Abroad (PUNO) in the framework of the European Project “Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment”, HORIZON-MSCA- 2021-SE-01 (CAPHE), 24-25.06.2023. The presentation was combined with a presentation at Academia Electronica in the virtual world of Spatial and Second Life.
  15. Sensory Art, presentation at the international conference “Enhancing Artistic Experience in Hybrid Environments,” organized by Conservatorio Giacomo Puccini La Spezia, Italy, within the framework of the international grant “Horizon” Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment (CAPHE) HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01, 15-17.05.2024. The presentation was held simultaneously at Academia Electronica, in the virtual world Spatial.

  16. No Water. Water Art at Ars Electronica, presentation at the international conference “Groundwater Ecostories. The 1st Rivers amateur’s seminar”, organized by Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. A lecture was presented as a part of the international “Horizon” grant “Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment” (CAPHE) HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01, Lisbon 29.10.2024.  

  17. Art at Ars Electronica, a lecture given in Art and Multimedia Departament at Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. The lecture was held as a part of the “Horizon” international grant “Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment” (CAPHE) HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01, Lisbon 29.10.2024. The talk was held simultaneously at Academia Electronica, in the virtual world Spatial.